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vulnerable kids are the SOLUTION...


Effective, practical, relevant, sustainable and long-term solutions
for organizations and people working with trafficked,
abandoned, orphaned and abused kids.

APRIL 20, 2024
9am-3pm Eastern - North America

3pm-9pm Central Africa Time
6pm-12am Pakistan Time


This summit will be an experience of building family and village, and not just a lot of talk. The kids need real sustainable solutions that are implemented and not just more boardroom talk. So we're going to take action throughout the summit. Speakers bringing experience and wisdom from understanding the neurological makeup of a traumatized child, to farming technology for nutrient dense food for the kids, to sustainable planning and strategy, and fun, effective ways to teach kids self-protection so they are not vulnerable. Discussion as well as interactive question and answer time will follow each speaker to discover the relevance for individual cultures and contexts. Stop being alone and join the growing global village.


Real Answers to Real Problems
Kate Kristoffel

Founder, International General Director - HESED International

Kate is designed to disrupt worldly patterns and challenge status quo so to bring clarity and higher levels of understanding and operation. Her deepest desire is to see EVERY child in the world embraced as thriving sons and daughters and she believes that the most vulnerable children will restore love, peace compassion and order to the world. To say Kate's plans and ideas are massive is an understatement, and her vision for holistic sustainable safety villages built by and for vulnerable children is as beautiful as it is strategic. 

Six of the biggest problems everyone working with vulnerable children are facing are: shortage of money, shortage of people, poor infrastructure, no sustainable plan, lack of relevant training, and lack of equipment and tools. Kate will be sharing the answers to ALL of these problems; a holistic, effective, sustainable plan that anyone can use for long and short-term results so that vulnerable children can not just survive, but thrive and become leaders to transform our world.





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Director of Family - HESED International                      Parenting Mentor - MegaMom Coaching

Marelise Culbert

Marelise possesses an incredible gift of connecting people, particularly in a family context. Understanding the science, physiology as well as the spirituality behind relational connections gives her a unique multi-faceted approach to family bonds. She is wildly passionate about seeing vulnerable children who have lost all trust and human attachment, be healed and discover their true identity as sons and daughters spiritually and practically. Her work is not done until they all have found a home and family.

Marelise will be hosting and MC'ing the summit, bringing her brilliant insight and wisdom.





Dare to Dream - Empowering Orphaned Kids Because Everything is Possible
Jan Tennyson

Founder, Executive Director - Dare to Dream Childrens Foundation

Jan's life is an incredible illustration of "anything is possible". Orphaned as an infant because her mother was institutionalized and her father, who grew up in an orphanage, was not able to parent her, she was placed in a New York Foundling Home. Insecurity and low self-esteem fueled her heart with hopelessness. As an adult, her life was changed radically when she visited a museum where she saw photos of her father and other orphaned boys sleeping in a New Yor City stairwell. "Children Without Dreams" was the caption over one photo, but Jan's life has proven to be a dream come true. God brought opportunities for her to travel the world and taking orphaned kids on amazing journeys they never thought possible. Jan lives her message every day - Dare to Dream - and she takes orphaned kids along for the ride. 

Jan will share some of her amazing experiences to show what is possible when you believe. Gain insight into the heart of an orphan who dared to dream. She will inspire you as as leader, AND show you what is possible for the children you work with.




Harm Alarm: Empowering Children Through Inner Voice Awareness
Jim Tomaszewski

Founder & Executive Director - I'il Iguana Childrens Safety Foundation

 Jim Tomaszewski is the founder and Executive Director of the Lil' Iguana's Children's Safety Foundation. With over three decades of dedication to child safety and well-being, Jim's work has positively impacted countless young lives across the globe. Today, he joins us to share insights into groundbreaking music-based programs that have revolutionized the way we can educate our children about personal safety and empowerment. Jim's commitment to creating safer communities through innovative teaching strategies has made him a leading voice in child safety education. Let's welcome Jim Tomaszewski as he guides us through the transformative power of music in teaching life-saving lessons to our youngest generation.

Jim will help us explore the critical importance of listening to one's inner voice, known as the "Harm Alarm." Through the transformative power of music-based programs, we will discuss how fostering awareness of this "funny feeling" can empower children to navigate personal safety, prevent abuse, and avoid abduction. Highlighting Lil' Iguana's innovative approach, Jim will showcase how music, role-playing, demonstrations, and play-based learning techniques are utilized to ensure children not only learn but also retain crucial safety lessons. Attendees will discover how these engaging strategies make learning fun and memorable, equipping children with essential life skills to stay safe and thrive.








Orphans No Longer - Encounters With the Father
Mark Merrick

Co-Founder & Clinical Director - Dayspring Ranch

Mark is a certified counseller, and along with his wife Jennifer provide trauma therapy that is solution oriented. They use several modalities including spiritual therapy and equine (horse) assisted therapy. Mark's gentle, positive and encouraging approach is gives everyone around him a feeling of comfort and safety that is reminiscent of the Father's heart. Dayspring Ranch is a 220 acre therapy center where Mark and Jennifer call home, but open their doors to many who have experienced trauma to come for healing and rest.  

Mark's presentation will be the last one of the day and we guarantee it will be an experience to remember! We will walk through an experience with the Father and grow deeper in our sonship in practical ways that you can take back to your kids.




The Neuroscience of Trauma and Poverty
Dr. Ali Lankerani

Founder - and creator of the Amazing Parents' Network

Dr. Lankerani is a clinical neuroscientist, TEDx speaker, international best selling author, coach and mentor. He is affectionately know as Dr. L, the Parent Whisperer. His current focus is on children's performance optimization and is involved with the United Nations through the Global Alliance Office on Drugs and Crime.

Dr. L believes that we can eradicate poverty, war, and prejudice within one generation. Discover the 2 factors that determine how you set yourself up for success and role model the behavior for the next generation.






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Love is the Answer - We Proved It!
Pastor Jeevan Kumar

Pastor - CYDMM India

As a pastor's son, Jeevan learned at a young age that there is more to God than Sunday school, Bible stories, and memorizing scriptures. He craved more and as he sought that out, he found Love. Suddenly the Bible made more sense. Today he leads the same church his father did and takes his team on regular outreaches to tribal villages in India. When you look at the faces of the children he works with, you can tell that they know Love too.

Jeevan will tell his story and share with us how he reaches the children with Love and transforms their hearts. He is renowned for engaging the children to take leadership in their mission and in their lives, so that they truly move from victim to victory and break poverty cycles.






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